Becoming a FertilityCare Practitioner
Do you want to equip and empower couples to unlock their fertility – even to avoid pregnancy naturally but effectively?
Schedule a 15 min Zoom chat with Cathryn here to discuss the possibilities:
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Creighton Model Education Program
Do you want to have the satisfaction of running a business that gives the gift of hope and eventually LIFE to an infertile couple using the best science, naturally, affordably and effectively?
Discovery each of our 6 Steps to becoming a Practitioner!
This eight-day total emersion immersion educational experience prepares the FertilityCare Practitioner Intern to teach the CREIGHTON MODEL FertilityCare System. This Education Phase is divided into two parts.
Part I consists of history of natural methods of birth regulation, anatomy and physiology, the hormones of the menstrual cycle, breastfeeding, menopause, psychodynamics of contraception and the CREIGHTON MODEL FertilityCare System, human sexuality, the beginnings of human life and the effectiveness of natural and artificial methods of family planning. There is an assessment at the end of Part I. Part II consists of training the Intern to teach the FertilityCare System according to the standardized curriculum and includes Basic Chart Reading and Correcting, how to conduct the standardized Introductory Session and Follow-Up sessions, documentation, and the Supervised Practicum I Responsibilities. There is an assessment at the end of this Education Phase.
This Practicum begins with the successful completion of Education Phase I and ends with Education Phase II.
During this Practicum the Intern returns to their home area and begins teaching the FertilityCare System. Every Practitioner Intern will be assigned a Faculty Supervisor who they will work closely with during their Practicum.
Your faculty supervisor will be a Certified FertilityCare Educator who is a Certified FertilityCare Practitioner who has at least two additional years of teaching experience and has completed a FertilityCare Educator Program. The Supervisor provides the supervision that a Practitioner Intern requires.
All books, charts, slides, and teaching materials needed to teach will be provided. Each Intern will teach a minimum of 6 client couples during this Practicum. There are also other written and recorded assignments, and scheduled telephone calls with their Supervisor.
After successful completion of SPI the Intern is given approval to attend Education Phase II. This is another total immersion educational experience, 6 days long. During this time advanced case management in infertility, continuous mucus discharge, unusual bleeding, and NaProTECHNOLOGY is taught. How to conduct Pregnancy Evaluations are also taught along with management of advanced behavioral Issues, communication, marketing, and advanced business aspects of managing a FertilityCare Center. There is an oral exam at the end of EP II.
SP II begins with the successful completion of EP II and ends with the Final Exam.
During this time the Intern will teach an additional 12 client couples, submit assignments, have monthly phone calls with their Supervisor and prepare for an On-Site Visit from their Supervisor.
The On-Site Visit is conducted after the Intern has taught a minimum of 12 client couples. At this time their Faculty Supervisor will go to the Intern’s home location and observe their teaching, review their files, and conduct a Comprehensive Case Review of all their clients.
When all the requirements are complete the Intern will be given approval to take a national Standardized Final Exam.
This is proctored in their home location and is offered four times a year.
Schedule a 15 Minute Session
If you are interested in becoming a FertilityCare Practitioner, give us a call or book in a time and find out more with a 15 min Zoom chat with Cathryn here:
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